The Poetry and Art of Michal (Mitak) Mahgerefteh
Alexandria | Norfolk, Virginia
The Written Word
I live in exile
far from the sacred land
only the pen minces my accent
Let there be Light!
the thick salty layers of words
lessen at times
I sample droplets of pomegranate wine
Let there be Light!
within each scribbled word
a logic interior yowls and yawns
as it totters on tired limbs
Let there be Light!
amid the opaqueness of darkness
a collage of karmic ghosts
nameless faceless thirsts for words
Let there be Light!
no ear gave me blessings
but the written word as it unveils
and inscribes phases into my Book of Life
Let there be Light!
Copyright by Michal Mahgerefteh
Words, My Oracle
My Oracle
cradle my yearnings to the edge
of meaning as I roam into the furthest
depths of Sinai leaping blindly within
the hidden heights of purpose
My Oracle
breathe onto me a burst of Alphabet
a life-force at its purest that I should
settle in the vessel of my own being
sated with answered prayers
My Oracle
on equal footing appoint my name
into the book of Worthy of Words
empurpled with the floret of life
without it all is wander and random
Copyright by Michal Mahgerefteh
Into the Desert
I led them
words ordained with vigor
into the dust-choked desert
to embody the unknown
I led them
while days drip emptiness
and nights vomit bitterness
and prayers wilt bone-dry lips
I led them
behind belfry doors I heard them
and in the turbulence of incense
I felt them filtering through
I led them
not a crust is wasted as my
name is carried on a plaintive
wind to the edge of revelation
No Defeat! No Victory!
Copyright by Michal Mahgerefteh
*****GOODREADS Review
I'm not a huge poetry fan, but gave this a shot after winning it in a giveaway here on Goodreads. I read this cover to cover in one sitting, taking the time to read each poem out loud. I found it an interesting experience. This collection of poems explores the intent of the written word from a spiritual perspective. The poems are, therefore, about words quite literally. I was most intrigued at the author's use (or nonuse) of punctuation. Unlike the majority of poetry I've read, Mahgerefteh's poems leave out punctuation for the most part. Not only is this a comment on this collection's overall story – the written word, and how language flows – but, it leaves each poem even more open to the reader's interpretation. Each poem can be read in several different ways, with the emphasis on different words, and pauses taken at different times. At first, I found this to be quite challenging, but now I'm appreciating its artistry.
My favorite poems include: pOetry,The Written Word, and The Absence of Words. I know I'll be picking up Field of Harps every now and again to experience them again. If you like poetry, or anything pertaining to language and how it's formed, I think you'll enjoy Field of Harps.
***** GOODREADS Review
While I am not a religious person, I am a lover of "words" and that is all that is needed to thoroughly enjoy and be moved by this wonderful collection of poems! I received this as a "first-reads" book and couldn't be happier. It has been a while since I've read a book of poems and now I am wondering why! I look forward to reading other books published by this author.
****GOODREADS Review
Truly, I thought this would be a quick read - yet the depth of the woods, thought not in abundance, take your down a peaceful path. Michal uses words as an artist uses a paintbrush. The pictures and emotions transferred to me as I read the poems. If you want to just feel good and have a quick, thought-provoking read, grab this book! You won't be worry!
****GOODREADS Review
This is a beautiful book of poetry. I think one of the best poems in this collection is "Into the Desert." She captures an aspect of spirituality and life. These poems are a journey of the soul, of understanding, and desire.
****GOODREADS Review
I won this in a Goodreads giveaway. I admit that poetry isn't usually my thing. They were well written and the subject matter was pretty straight forward. This was certainly no boring English lit class.
****GOODREADS Review
This was a lovely collection of beautiful poems. My personal favorites were “Invocation” and “For Eternity.” They really spoke to me.
****GOODREADS Review
Beautiful book of poems I won from First Reads. Glad to be introduced to this author - Very nice work. Looking foward to reading more!
Cyclamens and Swords Journal
“To Be Born”
The Deborah Madden Memorial Award:
Green River Writers
“Into the Desert”
The Deronda Review
“Mystical Journey: The Otiot”
Getting Something to Read Magazine
“For Eternity”/ “Promise of Re-Birth”
“Unanswered Prayers” / “The Breath of Poetry”
“Spiritual Birth” / “Inspiration”
The Irene Annual Award:
Poetry Society of Texas
The New Vilna Review
“They Labor Life” / “Lost Without Words”
Open Page Poets:
Old Dominion University
Poetry Society of Virginia Newsletter
“My Breath” / “pOetry”
Poets Domain Anthology
“The Absence of Words”/ “Invocation”
Skipping Stones Anthology
“Upon My Crossing”
Special Anthology Honoring
Prof. Yossi Tobi, Israel
“Words”/ “My Oracle”
The 2009 Poetry Society of
Pennsylvania Anthology
“Into the Desert”
Contact Michal
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"Field of Harps" Collection.
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